Top 4 Common Items Only a Moving Company Should Move

Always leave the hard work to the professionals when moving delicate furniture.

Heavy and large items like pianos, mattresses, Sofa, Safes, and appliances usually require specialized treatment and our team of moving experts at SkipMoving knows exactly how to provide the moving services you need so your items reach the new destination in one piece safely.

Gathering a few friends to help you carry your mattress down the stairs may seem like a good idea to save money. It is important to understand that when moving both heavy and fragile items, a lot is at stake and moving experience is needed.

To ensure for your safety and your items safe arrival at your new home, we put together a list of items only a moving company should move.



Pianos are notoriously one of the most complex heavy items to move.

Because pianos tend to be bulky and top-heavy, the potential to do serious injury to yourself & other and also damage to your home is high. Additionally, slipping up could mean damaging (not only scratching it but also knocking it out of tune) the piano itself and hurting yourself and others involved.

Even with several people helping out, the process of moving a piano requires professional moving experience as well as time, the right equipment and patience. To avoid getting yourself hurt and damaging your beloved instrument, call Skip Moving now and learn more about our piano moving service.



Mattresses are notoriously the one item that people believe they can move on their own but cannot. Heavy, floppy and hard to maneuver, they are hard to put inside elevators, many people damage the fire sprinkler system in apartments costing them thousands of dollars in damages, moving a mattress can be a very tricky task. Why try, if you don’t have the necessary experience and equipment?

Before trying to move your mattress, ask yourself some questions: does the mattress even fit through my doorway? How am I going to bring it down that flight of stairs? How would I avoid damages to the mattress and your home or apartment? Would it fit in the elevator? It’s important to consider that moving a mattress can be very complicated. Maneuvering correctly requires a proper skill set to get through narrow corners and hallways.

In addition, you might need equipment like a mattress cover, moving straps and other tools. Skip Moving’s services always include these supplies.

fridge moving


Professional movers are well-versed in the problems that can arise when moving major appliances like refrigerators. They can be heavy, leak, destroy floors, and scratch walls—and if you’re moving it yourself, there’s a greater risk of injuring yourself and damaging your home. Unless you have a pick up truck and have proper equipments you should avoid trying to move fridges yourself. Since fridges can be damaged if you lay them down, it’s best to hire a moving company to handle this type of items to be delivered safely to your new home. Get a FREE Estimate with Skip Moving now and learn more about our fridge moving service.

Couch for moving


Sofas are tricky and hard to maneuver around to move into any home. They are bulky, heavy, need assembly and care. It’s hard to believe a couch could be fragile but when you move them they could get ripped, scuffed, even broken. They are usually designed to be sat on. They usually don’t fit through doors, stairs and in elevators. Maneuvering them correctly requires a proper skill set to get them into your home. Get a quote with Skip Moving now and let us help you.


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